Participate Learning is a force for good that connects teachers and students through global education programs to foster human understanding and create peace around the world. Our dual language program, global leaders program, and ambassador teachers work together to help achieve our purpose of uniting our world through global learning.
The hard work and dedication of our ambassador teachers have a collective impact on the world around us. They ignite positive change by challenging their students to think beyond their immediate environment and consider the perspectives of others. By encouraging students to be compassionate and empathetic toward people from different backgrounds, we are one step closer to having a more peaceful and interconnected world.
We believe that our ambassador teachers are among the very best educators around the globe, and they have made tremendous efforts to continue to provide their students with life-changing educational experiences during these unprecedented times. Read on to discover ambassador teachers who have gone above and beyond in keeping their students engaged while learning from home.
The Spanish Immersion team st Southwood Elementary followed the TikTok #DontRushChallenge to show the kids a little bit of our culture. We made our own version of it! @ParticipateLrng @ivanber05 @misssolesbee
— Angelica9992 (@Angelica99921) April 24, 2020
Our ambassador teachers at Southwood Elementary School in Lexington, North Carolina, decided to utilize new technology to connect with their students! They created a TikTok video to continue sharing their different cultures and backgrounds with their students by showing traditional outfits from their home countries. With more than one thousand views of their video, they were able to reach many students in a way that was entertaining and educational.
Happy Friday . We wanted to share a reading aloud called “ el dia en que descubres quien eres “ by Jacqueline Woodson.
Full video on YouTube : mi mundo in 180 days @teacherraquel2 @ParticipateLrng @AcevedoMurielle @ChioEvans @MicheleMacumber— jose luis rodriguez (@quitian_jl) April 24, 2020
Jose Luis Rodriguez is an ambassador teacher from Colombia, teaching at Kitty Hawk Elementary in Dare County, North Carolina. Jose has gone the extra mile for his students by creating his own YouTube channel that contains different types of lessons, including vocabulary words, at-home science projects, geometry, and storytimes so that students can continue to develop their Spanish language skills and review videos when it is convenient for them. The videos are both interactive and instructional and give students the chance to continue immersing themselves in Colombian culture!
Wrote and mailed notes to each of my students today! Just my way of keeping a bit of “normal” through this unnerving time. #TogetherWeCan #howiparticipate #eaglepride #teachingthroughrona #belovesharelove
— kerensa smith (@learnwithrensa) March 30, 2020
Kerensa Smith, an ambassador teacher from Jamaica, went above and beyond for her class when she wrote personalized messages to the students in her class and mailed them to their homes, reaching students who have limited or no access to technology. By taking time out of her day to support her students in this major transition, she showed how we can come together and lift one another up even from a distance.
These are just a few of the many examples of how our ambassador teachers are using global learning as a force for good and embodying our purpose of uniting our world through global learning. We at Participate Learning extend a sincere thank-you to all educators and parents who are striving to make global education a reality for their students while adjusting to their new normal.
For more examples of how our ambassador teachers are working as a force for good, explore our hashtag #unitingourworld on Twitter or use the hashtag yourself and share with us how you are continuing to engage with students. Tag us @Participatelrng and we may retweet you to share your work with our global audience!