Five Simple Strategies to Get Students to Open Up

5 years ago

The beginning of the school year can bring many challenges, especially when it comes to developing individual relationships with each…

Three Key Components to Starting a Productive School Day

5 years ago

This school year is going to be different for most. Whether you are experiencing virtual instruction, in-person instruction, or some…

Parenting, Working, Homeschooling: Lessons from a Challenging Year

5 years ago

Since graduating college, I have dedicated myself to serving and supporting families through various roles—whether working in a residential facility,…

Six Takeaways from the United We Teach Summit

5 years ago

When we started planning the United We Teach Summit, we knew we wanted to build on the connections and camaraderie…

Culture and the New Normal: Besitos and Beyond

5 years ago

Meriwynn Mansori has worked for Participate Learning for the past nine years and currently serves as a program manager. She…

Five Ways to Engage Your Students in the World Language Classroom

5 years ago

Did you know that more than 150 Ambassador Teachers at Participate Learning teach world languages? As native speakers, these educators…

Congratulations to the 2020 Teachers of the Year!

5 years ago

Successfully ending a school year is always a momentous occasion, but the academic achievements and student growth made this school…

Maintaining social connections to your community during the summer

5 years ago

A full summer at home in the U.S. may be a new experience for our ambassador teachers who are accustomed…

Uplifting Global Leaders in Times of Crisis

5 years ago

With so much unrest happening in our country, students are faced now more than ever with the responsibility to learn…

Making the Most of Travel in the U.S.

5 years ago

After more than four years teaching with Participate Learning, Tracy Morris from the UK and Lilly Soto Gonzales from Peru…