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Integrating Pop Culture in the Classroom: The Incredibles

It’s been a while since the Parr family, perhaps better known as the Incredibles, has seen some quality superhero action in Metroville – they haven’t united to fight crime on the big screen since 2004, to be exact. Thankfully, Pixar’s highly anticipated sequel, Incredibles 2, is out June 15, meaning that it’s the perfect time to introduce Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, and Baby Jack-Jack to your class. As part of our Integrating Pop Culture in the Classroom series (we started by embracing the Force with Star Wars), our sister company, Participate Inc. has curated a collection of resources that will help you close out the year in nothing short of an incredible fashion.

Classroom connections

There are numerous ways to tie the themes, lessons, and superpowers that appear in Incredibles 2 into educational activities. Find a few ideas that Dash would sprint for below, and be sure to check out the entire collection for other ways to channel your (academic) force field.

  • Math is math: In an attempt to help Dash with his homework, Mr. Incredible gets in a tizzy about traditional math techniques and how to solve the problem at hand. Frustrated, he exclaims “I don’t know that way—why would they change math? Math is math. Math is math!”
  • Map it out: The city of Metroville is not your average thriving metropolis, especially with residents like the Parr family.

Freeze like Frozone! Find more ways to use Incredibles 2 in your class. Harness your superpowers and be sure to stay tuned for more opportunities to integrate pop culture in the classroom.

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