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Participate Learning

Cost and fees

Financial information for participating exchange visitor teachers

Sponsor Fee

Participate Learning does not charge our Ambassador Teachers a sponsor fee. In other words, we do not charge teachers a fee for our visa sponsorship services and we do not charge teachers a fee to apply to our program or participate in it.

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Third party fees

Participate Learning does not authorize any third party in the U.S. or abroad to charge fees to teachers to apply to our program or participate in it. We do not collect such fees from third parties. Interested teachers may contact us directly to inquire about teaching qualifications required for participation and may be invited to submit an online application at no cost.


Interested applicants in China


Participate Learning has a contractual relationship with Beijing Meizhiyuanying International Consulting Co. Ltd (BMIC) for recruiting services in China. BMIC may offer training and related services to prepare teachers in China to teach in the U.S. or other countries. Fees for these services may range from approximately $7,000 to $9,000 USD. These services are not required to apply to or participate in our program and are subject to such terms as may be agreed between BMIC and the teacher. Click here to view requirements and apply directly.

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Fees teachers may incur to participate in our program

Teachers interested in participating in our program should be aware of certain fees, costs or expenses associated with participation. These include fees required by the U.S. government, amounts paid to Participate Learning to offset the costs of benefits and applying for a U.S. state teaching license, and amounts paid to third party vendors for services such as criminal background checks.

We have summarized these amounts below for your convenience. Please be aware that these amounts are subject to change from time to time.

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Before Arrival

Fees Before Arrival
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After Arrival

Exchange Visitor Program Fees After Arrival in the U.S.
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Teaching salaries and living expenses in the United States

Ambassador Teachers in our program receive a full-time teaching salary from the host school district, and typically budget to pay for their own living expenses in the U.S. These include costs such as housing, food, and leasing or purchasing a car. Teaching salaries and living expenses in the U.S. will vary considerably due to a number of factors such as years of teaching experience, teaching location, family size, and other lifestyle choices.


Therefore, it is important that teachers plan carefully for these living expenses prior to coming to the U.S. Participate Learning will provide teachers who accept a teaching position additional information on anticipated salary and local living expenses.

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Estimated monthly pay with federal and state deductions

Based on a sample $42,000 salary paid over 12 months. Actual salaries will be based on years of experience and state or district salary schedule. Note that some teachers may be paid on a 10-month schedule. Actual salaries, state and federal taxes may vary.

Estimated Monthly Pay by state

*First-year teachers may be eligible for FICA exemption for up to two calendar years, based upon prior presence in the U.S.

**Optional Teachers’ Association Dues may be deducted if applicable (est. $500-$600/year )

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Estimated ranges for monthly expenses



*Note that the cost of living in some areas of Virginia and South Carolina is more likely to fall in the high end of the ranges below.

Estimated monthly expenses

*Families needing full-time childcare for ages 0-4 years typically will need to discuss their specific situation with an adviser, as these costs can average $1000/month.

Based on initial costs, Participate Learning recommends that all new Ambassador Teachers bring a minimum of $3,500 to help cover relocation expenses (car down payment, utility deposits, etc.).

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Learn more about Participate Learning’s application and get started today.