Resources for parents
Support your dual language immersion or global leaders student with information and guidance.
Immersion resources
Learn more about the impact of dual language immersion and support your student.
Nurturing a Global Leader
For students to take action to improve our changing world, they must first pay attention and feel connected to it.
Lessons in Spanish
Continue language development with individualized online sessions.
Participate Learning blog
The top posts for parents with a student in a program with one of our partner scools.

Immersion resources
Learn more about the impact of dual language immersion and support your student.
- Infographic: Benefits of a Bilingual Brain (available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin)
- Ten Frequently Asked Questions about dual language immersion
- Dual-Language Programs Boost Student Achievement in English, Study Finds
- Language gains, 10 years later
- Video: Good questions to ask your child’s teacher

Nurturing a Global Leader
- Teaching Sustainability
- The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning
- Infographic: Profile of a Global Leader[PDF download in English, Spanish, or Mandarin]
- Global Education Glossary

Lessons in Spanish
We’ve rallied our former Ambassador Teachers to work with your student through online lessons to continue developing their language skills. Through customized sessions, these dual language experts will reinforce previously-taught Spanish skills to prevent language loss. Grades K-5 only.